Midori melon liqueur is processed green liquor distillery Suntory Japanese. It's sweet and exotic, was the first fruit liqueur created in this world, it is light and refreshing.
It is one of the favorite liquor and valued by the best bartenders in the world for cocktails.
Currently is made in Mexico, but until 1987 was developed in Japan.
It is a liqueur with 21% alcohol.
It is ideal for making liquor cocktails, such as Japanese Slipper, and long drinks, mixed with lemonade or citrus drinks.
View: In view has a green melon.
Nose: The nose has aromas of fruit.
Mouth: very sweet liqueur flavored with lots of sugar, but in turn is light and refreshing.
If you have questions when buying the melon liqueur MIDORI70 cl. contact sommelier our online wine store and advise you without obligation.
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https://vinopremier.com/en/liqueur-de-melon-midori.html1121Liqueur de Melón Midori<div><strong>MELON LIQUEUR MIDORI 70cl</strong></div><div> </div><div>Midori melon liqueur is processed green liquor distillery Suntory Japanese. It's sweet and exotic, was the first fruit liqueur created in this world, it is light and refreshing.</div><div> </div><div>It is one of the favorite liquor and valued by the best bartenders in the world for cocktails.</div><div> </div><div>Currently is made in Mexico, but until 1987 was developed in Japan.</div><div> </div><div>It is a liqueur with 21% alcohol.</div><div> </div><div>It is ideal for making liquor cocktails, such as Japanese Slipper, and long drinks, mixed with lemonade or citrus drinks.</div><div> </div><div>TASTING NOTES MELON LIQUEUR MIDORI 70 cl:</div><div> </div><div><u>View:</u> In view has a green melon.</div><div> </div><div><u>Nose:</u> The nose has aromas of fruit.</div><div> </div><div><u>Mouth</u>: very sweet liqueur flavored with lots of sugar, but in turn is light and refreshing.</div><div> </div><div>If you have questions when buying the melon liqueur MIDORI70 cl. contact sommelier our online wine store and advise you without obligation.</div>https://vinopremier.com/media/catalog/product/1/5/1544725916.jpeg16.95outofstock16.9514.0082634628100000https://vinopremier.com/media/catalog/product/1/5/1544725916.jpeg/Default Category/Default Category/Distillé/Default Category/Distillé/Spiritueux et Orujos2015-08-23T23:09:03+0000
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