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Red Wine Kaos 2009
An elegant red and low production, which expresses as no other the potential of the indoor garnacha. These conditions, together with the maximum respect for the earth and the limited productions of the old vineyards, allow the essence of the fruit to concentrate on the bottle, resulting in a wine with a single personality, which rests in 500 -liter barrels during eighteen months.
Tasting Note Tinto Kaos 2009 Vista: Well covered, its bright red color remembers that of mature pickets. Nose: In the nose it is complex and elegant, with an aromatic palette in which the primary aromas of fresh fruit, orange skin and aromatic herbs stand out. Boca: He is kind, easy but intense and balanced drink, with mature tannins.
If you have any questions when buying red wine Kaos 2009, contact the sommelier of our online wine store and advise you without obligation
La información sobre composición de los productos (ingredientes) así como la información nutricional de los mismos que aparece en esta web puede ser modificada por los fabricantes, por lo que no se hace responsable de las diferencias que puedan producirse respecto de la información que figure físicamente declarada en el propio producto.
Por tanto, recomendamos a nuestros clientes que siempre lean detenidamente las etiquetas, advertencias e instrucciones del embalaje del producto antes de utilizarlo o consumirlo, ya que se podrá encontrar información más detallada y actualizada sobre el mismo. red wineRed Wine Kaos 2009<br><br>An elegant red and low production, which expresses as no other the potential of the indoor garnacha.<br>These conditions, together with the maximum respect for the earth and the limited productions of the old vineyards, allow the essence of the fruit to concentrate on the bottle, resulting in a wine with a single personality, which rests in 500 -liter barrels during eighteen months.<br><br>Tasting Note Tinto Kaos 2009<br>Vista: Well covered, its bright red color remembers that of mature pickets.<br>Nose: In the nose it is complex and elegant, with an aromatic palette in which the primary aromas of fresh fruit, orange skin and aromatic herbs stand out.<br>Boca: He is kind, easy but intense and balanced drink, with mature tannins. <br><br>If you have any questions when buying red wine Kaos 2009, contact the sommelier of our online wine store and advise you without obligation Category/Default Category/Wines/Default Category/Wines/Red wine/Default Category/Wines/Denominations/D.O. Méntrida/Default Category/Wines/Denominations/Default Category/Wines/Grape varieties/Default Category/Wines/Grape varieties/Garnacha/Default Category/Wines/España2015-08-23T22:55:32+0000
Well covered, its bright red color remembers that of mature pillots.
Complex and elegant, with an aromatic palette in which the primary aromas of fresh fruit, orange skin and aromatic herbs stand out, well accompanied by a minerality that is expressed in graphite tones, together with cocoa and roasted aromas.
Kind, easy but intense and balanced drink, with mature, fine and delicate tannins that prolong enjoyment and fruits.
White meats
Legumes and spoon dishes
Red meats
KNOW Bodegas Canopy
Bodegas Canopy: Sierra de Gredos vinos de carácter único
Canopy comienza su andadura a finales de 2003, bajo la influencia de la Sierra de Gredos entre los valles del Tiétar y el Tajo, con un objetivo claro por parte de sus fundadores Belarmino y Alfonso la búsqueda de viejas viñas de la variedad Garnacha y Syrah en la que sostener su proyecto.
Esta bodega se encuentra dentro de D.O.P Méntrida y esta volcada en redescubrimiento de los vinos de Méntrida. Respetando al máximo la vida y escogiendo la agricultura sostenible y ecológica como buque insignia de su marca.