Salt with Don Bug 150g worm


In Stock. If you buy today the estimated delivery date is the Monday 24 June 2024

Culinary traditions have a special power to connect people with their culture and roots, and within the vast Mexican cuisine, salt with worm occupies a distinctive place. Don Bug, knowledgeable of this tradition, presents its gourmet version of this seasoning, raising the tasting experience to a new level.

Gourmet salts of Don Bug They are not just a seasoning; They are a declaration of authenticity and passion for the Culture of Agave. Its process of elaboration, meticulous and careful, seeks to highlight the essence of this complement, making it the perfect pairing for the More select Agave distillates.

What makes the salt bug salt with worm so special? To begin with, the agave worm, A delicacy in itself, provides an earthy and subtly smoked flavor that contrasts and complements the salt at the same time, enhancing the notes of any drink. When using this salt on the edge of a glass, each sip is transformed, causing the nuances of mezcal or tequila to shine with a renewed intensity.

But the charm of Don Bug It is not limited only to distillates. By incorporating it into cocktails, this gourmet salt provides an additional dimension of flavor and texture, creating surprising and memorable combinations. It is the opportunity to experiment and play with the balance of flavors, adding a bold and unique touch to the most classic or contemporary creations.

Beyond its flavor, the Salt bug with worm It is also a cultural experience. It is an open door to the rich history and tradition of Mexico, a reminder of the flavors and aromas that have defined this nation. It is a celebration of innovation and respect for roots.

In summary, Don Bug He has managed not only to create a gourmet salt, but a complete culinary experience. It is an invitation to venture beyond the conventional, to discover and rediscover the Magic of agave in each drink, and to celebrate the rich tapestry of flavors and traditions that Mexico has to offer.

150 grams
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En Stock - Entrega Inmediata Si
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Format 150 grams