Whisky Makers Mark 46


In this whisky barrels contain a little more inside scorched French oak staves. These planks create more powerful and complex flavors, at the same time eliminate the bitterness that usually appears with whiskies aged more.

When they worked to find the profile and perfect flavor for Maker completo 46, required more people working together it was discovered that the paint you carefully staves of French oak and insert them into barrels of Maker's fully matured, and it could thus be the tannins in the wood causing bitterness. When the tannins are removed, allowed timber caramelized sugars will intensify.

History of the Whisky Mark 46

At the time to introduce a new product, Bill ignored him knowing that it was an extension of line by which did not interest him. After a time he decided to try it and taste caused such a good impression that are on the market now.

The creators of this Whisky had the goal of intensifying its notes of natural flavor of Maker's, vanilla, caramel and spices, to achieve the creation of a Maker's most complex and delicious flavor.

The longest end comes a more palatable finals, what not was had seen in the first Whisky Maker's, this challenging feature is one of the things that makes special. To give you a greater chance of success, called Independent Stave Company, this is a cooperage oak barrels according to the original specifications of Bill Samuels, Sr., has produced since 1953. After several attempts, the owners agreed that the resulting product had to begin with the brand Mark's.

Maker completo 46 is created for an entire year from our cellar of limestone bourbon distillery. However, the product is the same as the original Bill experiment a bourbon bold and complex, but so accessible and easy to drink.

If you have any questions about purchasing Whisky Mark 46 contact with our sommelier and he will advise you without obligation.

% VOL.
70cl. Bottle
United States
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