Tequila is one of the most original spirits exist, made from the blue agave , a type of cactus that grows in Central America and Mexico in particular. As part of the great tradition and excellence that exists in this country with his " national drink " , the Herradura Anejo tequila is undoubtedly the most distinguished , prepared by the traditional method and aged 24 months in oak barrels ( twice the required by Mexican law ) . It is recommended to drink alone , accompanied with a bowl of lemon and salt , and send the fees Mexicans. If you have questions when buying TEQUILA contact our sales and advise you without obligation . Satisfaction Guarantee: Remember, all our shipments are insured for 100 % of the value , so that in case of any problems during the shipping will be restored order.
If you have questions when buying HORSESHOE AGED TEQUILA , contact the sommelier of our online wine store and advise you without obligation .
La información sobre composición de los productos (ingredientes) así como la información nutricional de los mismos que aparece en esta web puede ser modificada por los fabricantes, por lo que VinoPremier.com no se hace responsable de las diferencias que puedan producirse respecto de la información que figure físicamente declarada en el propio producto.
Por tanto, recomendamos a nuestros clientes que siempre lean detenidamente las etiquetas, advertencias e instrucciones del embalaje del producto antes de utilizarlo o consumirlo, ya que se podrá encontrar información más detallada y actualizada sobre el mismo.
https://vinopremier.com/en/tequila-herradura-a-ejo.html929Tequila Herradura Añejo<p>HORSESHOE AGED TEQUILA</p><p>Tequila is one of the most original spirits exist, made from the blue agave , a type of cactus that grows in Central America and Mexico in particular. As part of the great tradition and excellence that exists in this country with his " national drink " , the Herradura Anejo tequila is undoubtedly the most distinguished , prepared by the traditional method and aged 24 months in oak barrels ( twice the required by Mexican law ) . It is recommended to drink alone , accompanied with a bowl of lemon and salt , and send the fees Mexicans. If you have questions when buying TEQUILA contact our sales and advise you without obligation . Satisfaction Guarantee: Remember, all our shipments are insured for 100 % of the value , so that in case of any problems during the shipping will be restored order.</p><p>If you have questions when buying HORSESHOE AGED TEQUILA , contact the sommelier of our online wine store and advise you without obligation .<br /> </p>https://vinopremier.com/media/catalog/product/1/5/1544666135_1.jpeg58.7outofstock58.748.51239569421500000https://vinopremier.com/media/catalog/product/1/5/1544666135_1.jpeg/Default Category/Default Category/Destilados/Default Category/Destilados/Tequilas/Root Catalog/Default Category/Destilados/Tequilas/Tequila Añejo2015-08-23T23:06:21+0000
Color ambar intenso.
Aroma con notas a especias y roble ahumado.
En paladar se presenta suave y cremoso.
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