Wine Wine Calderona Elite


Wine Wine Calderona Elite

The Calderona elite red wine is made with 100% Tempranillo and belongs to the D.O. Cigales This wine has a barrel raising, 90% American oak and 10% French oak, 14 months with trasiegos every 3 months. And in bottle 8 months before its eating, in underground ship with temperature never exceeding 16ºC. Serving this wine at a temperature between 16º and 18º, before being served it is advisable to decant it.

Tired winemaging Calderona elite Villar fruits: It is especially recommended for meats, hunting, roasts ...

Tasting Note Tinto Calderona elite of Villar fruits:

View: in view Ruby red is presented.

Nose: In the nose it is presented with fruit aroma, with vanilla and leather notes that denote the presence of parenting.

Boca: In the mouth it is soft, structured and round. Memories of ripe fruit and torrefactos.

Alcoholic graduation of El Vinto Calderona Elite Wine: 13.50 degrees If you have any questions when buying red wine Calderona Elite, get in touch with the sommelier of our online wine store and will advise you without obligation.

Red Wine
% VOL.
75cl Bottle
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