Crianza Red Wine without the Designation of Origin Sadacia Valleys has been drawn from a variety of grapes located in the city of La Rioja. With little fertile soils and high salt , to which they are attached a hot and humid climate . This has resulted in this White wine, which stands out for its fruity notes.
The picking of the grapes for this wine is made at night until dawn, with cool , so the grape preserves all the nutrients and the oxidation of the same is avoided.
The Spanish White Guerrilla White Wine Chardonnay has a pale yellow color with fruity aromas such as peach or banana . Certain notes of honey is also appreciated .
In Boca is how a fleshy, long distance and with a nice finish and round wine .
It has an alcohol content of 12% and are recommended to serve at a temperature of between approximately 9 º C and 12 º C.
If you have questions about this White Wine Spanish White Guerrilla Chardonnay can be put in touch with our sommelier to help him.
La información sobre composición de los productos (ingredientes) así como la información nutricional de los mismos que aparece en esta web puede ser modificada por los fabricantes, por lo que no se hace responsable de las diferencias que puedan producirse respecto de la información que figure físicamente declarada en el propio producto.
Por tanto, recomendamos a nuestros clientes que siempre lean detenidamente las etiquetas, advertencias e instrucciones del embalaje del producto antes de utilizarlo o consumirlo, ya que se podrá encontrar información más detallada y actualizada sobre el mismo. Wine Spanish White Guerrilla Chardonnay<p>SPANISH WHITE WINE SPANISH WHITE GUERRILLA CHARDONNAY 2012</p><p>Crianza Red Wine without the Designation of Origin Sadacia Valleys has been drawn from a variety of grapes located in the city of La Rioja. With little fertile soils and high salt , to which they are attached a hot and humid climate . This has resulted in this White wine, which stands out for its fruity notes.</p><p>The picking of the grapes for this wine is made at night until dawn, with cool , so the grape preserves all the nutrients and the oxidation of the same is avoided.</p><p>The Spanish White Guerrilla White Wine Chardonnay has a pale yellow color with fruity aromas such as peach or banana . Certain notes of honey is also appreciated .</p><p>In Boca is how a fleshy, long distance and with a nice finish and round wine .</p><p>It has an alcohol content of 12% and are recommended to serve at a temperature of between approximately 9 º C and 12 º C.</p><p>If you have questions about this White Wine Spanish White Guerrilla Chardonnay can be put in touch with our sommelier to help him.</p> Category/Default Category/Wines/Default Category/Wines/White wine/Default Category/Wines/¡Vinos por menos de 10€ para triunfar!2015-08-23T23:16:33+0000
color amarillo pajizo
con aromas frutales como el platano o el melocoton. Tambien se aprecia ciertas notas a miel
un vino redondo y a la vez carnoso, de recorrido largo y con un final agradable.