It belongs to the winery Bouchard Finlayson and has the appellation of origin Walker Bay (South Africa).
It is made from grapes of varieties; 69% Riesling, 24% Viognier, 4% Chardonnay, 3% Chenin Blanc.
Fermented separately and aged for a minimum of 5 months on lees in stainless steel tanks to finally proceed to the mixture after several combinations of different varieties. Once obtained the right mix is stabilized, filtered and bottled.
It has an alcohol content of 14%
Best served at a temperature between 7°C and 10°C
If you have got any doubt when buying White Wine Blanc de Mer, contact the sommelier of our online wine shop and will advise you without obligation.
La información sobre composición de los productos (ingredientes) así como la información nutricional de los mismos que aparece en esta web puede ser modificada por los fabricantes, por lo que no se hace responsable de las diferencias que puedan producirse respecto de la información que figure físicamente declarada en el propio producto.
Por tanto, recomendamos a nuestros clientes que siempre lean detenidamente las etiquetas, advertencias e instrucciones del embalaje del producto antes de utilizarlo o consumirlo, ya que se podrá encontrar información más detallada y actualizada sobre el mismo. Wine Blanc de Mer<p><b>White Wine Blanc de Mer</b></p>
<p>It belongs to the winery Bouchard Finlayson and has the appellation of origin Walker Bay (South Africa).</p>
<p>It is made from grapes of varieties; 69% Riesling, 24% Viognier, 4% Chardonnay, 3% Chenin Blanc.</p>
<p><br /> Fermented separately and aged for a minimum of 5 months on lees in stainless steel tanks to finally proceed to the mixture after several combinations of different varieties. Once obtained the right mix is stabilized, filtered and bottled.</p>
<p>It has an alcohol content of 14%</p>
<p>Best served at a temperature between 7°C and 10°C</p>
<p>If you have got any doubt when buying <b>White Wine Blanc de Mer</b>, contact the sommelier of our online wine shop and will advise you without obligation.</p> Category/Default Category/Wines/Default Category/Wines/White wine/Default Category/Wines/International Wines/Default Category/Wines/International Wines/Sudafrica2015-08-23T23:01:50+0000
De un color amarillo intenso.
Mezcla de aromas a frutas tropicales y de gran explosión.
El melocotón, grosella y azahar, le dan una cremosidad elegante para dejarnos una sensación fresca y duradera al final.