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The company Chivas Brothers is one of the most recognized worldwide since the early nineteenth century was established in Scotland. The brothers James and John Chivas chose the combination of several Scottish malt and grain whiskeys. In 1843 Queen Victoria of England was granted the first Royal to the warranty company. Its international expansion occurred in the early decades of the nineteenth century, whiskey Chivas Regal became the best selling product of spirits.
Chivas Regal Whiskey 12 years is one of the top selling whiskey blends in the world. Created based malt whiskey and grain whiskey offers a unique blend of flavors.
TASTING NOTES: Bright amber color. On the nose an explosion of fruit flavors with wild herbs, heather and honey. Fruity taste of ripe sweet apples, vanilla, hazelnuts and sweet candy . With a creamy, smooth finish.
The bottle of Chivas Regal 12yo is embedded in a very stylish leather case to protect it from light. After opening the box, I found a bottle that conveys exclusivity and quality due to its careful design and high quality materials.
If you have questions when buying Whisky CHIVAS REGAL 12 YEARS, contact our online sommelier wine store and advise you without obligation . You can accompany with selected products such as sausages, canned drinks and other vinopremier.test
La información sobre composición de los productos (ingredientes) así como la información nutricional de los mismos que aparece en esta web puede ser modificada por los fabricantes, por lo que no se hace responsable de las diferencias que puedan producirse respecto de la información que figure físicamente declarada en el propio producto.
Por tanto, recomendamos a nuestros clientes que siempre lean detenidamente las etiquetas, advertencias e instrucciones del embalaje del producto antes de utilizarlo o consumirlo, ya que se podrá encontrar información más detallada y actualizada sobre el mismo. Chivas Regal 12 Años<p><strong>WHISKY CHIVAS REGAL 12 YEARS</strong></p><p>The company Chivas Brothers is one of the most recognized worldwide since the early nineteenth century was established in Scotland. The brothers James and John Chivas chose the combination of several Scottish malt and grain whiskeys. In 1843 Queen Victoria of England was granted the first Royal to the warranty company. Its international expansion occurred in the early decades of the nineteenth century, whiskey Chivas Regal became the best selling product of spirits.</p><p>Chivas Regal Whiskey 12 years is one of the top selling whiskey blends in the world. Created based malt whiskey and grain whiskey offers a unique blend of flavors.</p><p>MARRIAGE: Solo.</p><p>TASTING NOTES: Bright amber color. On the nose an explosion of fruit flavors with wild herbs, heather and honey. Fruity taste of ripe sweet apples, vanilla, hazelnuts and sweet candy . With a creamy, smooth finish.</p><p>The bottle of Chivas Regal 12yo is embedded in a very stylish leather case to protect it from light. After opening the box, I found a bottle that conveys exclusivity and quality due to its careful design and high quality materials.</p><p>If you have questions when buying Whisky CHIVAS REGAL 12 YEARS, contact our online sommelier wine store and advise you without obligation . You can accompany with selected products such as sausages, canned drinks and other <strong>vinopremier.test</strong></p> Category/Default Category/Distilled/Default Category/Distilled/Whiskys y Bourbons2015-08-23T23:04:34+0000