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1800 Tequila Silver
1800 Tequila Silver is a white, also called silver, made from 100% Blue agave tequila. It is enjevecido 15 days in American oak barrels, and then it is mixed with more mature tequilas.
It is produced by Jose Cuervo, Mexico.
Colour pale yellow diamond.
It shows aromas of agave, roasted pepper, black pepper and spices.
It is smooth and balanced, with notes of plum sweet and Roasted Peppers. Its finish is long, fruity and sweet.
If you have any questions about purchasing the 1800 Tequila Silver, get in contact with the sommelier from our online wine shop and will advise you without obligation.
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<p><strong>1800 Tequila Silver is a white, also called silver, made from 100% Blue agave tequila. It is enjevecido 15 days in American oak barrels, and then it is mixed with more mature tequilas.</strong></p>
<p><strong>It is produced by Jose Cuervo, Mexico.</strong></p>
<p><strong>TASTING NOTES</strong></p>
<p><strong>Colour pale yellow diamond.</strong></p>
<p><strong>It shows aromas of agave, roasted pepper, black pepper and spices.</strong></p>
<p><strong>It is smooth and balanced, with notes of plum sweet and Roasted Peppers. Its finish is long, fruity and sweet.</strong></p>
<p><strong>If you have any questions about purchasing the 1800 Tequila Silver, get in contact with the sommelier from our online wine shop and will advise you without obligation.</strong></p> Catalog2017-06-23T09:02:30+0000
Color diamante amarillo pálido.
Desprende aromas de agave, pimiento asado, pimienta negra y especias.
Resulta suave y equilibrado, con notas a ciruela dulce y pimiento asado. Su final es largo, afrutado y dulzón.
KNOW Tequila 1800
Tequila 1800: "Tequila de calidad premium para los paladares más exigentes."