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Por tanto, recomendamos a nuestros clientes que siempre lean detenidamente las etiquetas, advertencias e instrucciones del embalaje del producto antes de utilizarlo o consumirlo, ya que se podrá encontrar información más detallada y actualizada sobre el mismo. Wine Pedro Ximenez Duquesa<p>SPANISH RED WINE PEDRO XIMENEZ DUQUESA</p><p>Part of the DO Jerez.</p><p>Pedro Ximénez Duchess is a red wine made from Pedro Ximénez with aging in American oak barrels following the traditional Jerez system.</p><p>It is an easy drinking wine but delicate in its development as being a mono-varietal wine is very sensitive to any climate change.</p><p>TASTING NOTES RED WINE PEDRO XIMENEZ DUQUESA:</p><p>Given known for its dark mahogany red. It is a very dense wine.</p><p>The nose is a soft, delicate wine with certain aroma of raisins and oak notes.</p><p>The palate is characterized by a sweet, velvety wine. You can appreciate the taste of raisins</p><p>RED WINE PAIRING PEDRO XIMENEZ DUQUESA:</p><p>Pedro Ximénez Dukes is the ideal wine to accompany desserts and ice cream. It is recommended to try pasta and blue cheese.</p><p>Serve this wine at a temperature between 8º and 10º.</p><p>Red Wine Alcohol Content Pedro Ximénez Duchess: 18 degrees</p><p>If you have questions when buying Pedro Ximénez Wine Duchess, contact our online sommelier wine store and advise you without obligation.</p> Category/Default Category/Wines/Default Category/Wines/Sweet / generous wine/Default Category/Wines/DO. Jerez-Xeres-Sherry and Manzanilla2015-08-23T23:19:42+0000
En vista destaca por su color rojo caoba oscuro. Es un vino muy denso.
En nariz es un vino suave y delicado, con cierto aroma a uvas pasas y notas de madera de roble.
En boca se caracteriza por ser un vino dulce y aterciopelado. Se puede apreciar el sabor a las uvas pasas.