Belongs to the D.O. Bierzo The grape variety used is 100% Mencia. Its comes from a small vineyard called Leiros. It is located on the slopes. The altitude of is 650-750 meters. This vineyard is the largest surface of the Bierzo that has pre-phylloxera vines. The soil of the land is limestone formed by a sub-layer rich in minerals. The production is manually. Traditionally, Leiros were harvested only by family members. Today, the tradition is still maintained. This wine ages for 20 months in French oak barrels.
Wine Tasting Notes RED WINE Viñademoya Leiros: Smell: Aromas of black fruits, sweets, mineral hints of slate and roasted vanilla and chocolate. Taste: Full-bodied, round and excelent balance.
La información sobre composición de los productos (ingredientes) así como la información nutricional de los mismos que aparece en esta web puede ser modificada por los fabricantes, por lo que no se hace responsable de las diferencias que puedan producirse respecto de la información que figure físicamente declarada en el propio producto.
Por tanto, recomendamos a nuestros clientes que siempre lean detenidamente las etiquetas, advertencias e instrucciones del embalaje del producto antes de utilizarlo o consumirlo, ya que se podrá encontrar información más detallada y actualizada sobre el mismo. Wine Viñademoya Leiros<p>Belongs to the D.O. Bierzo <br />The grape variety used is 100% Mencia. <br />Its comes from a small vineyard called Leiros. It is located on the slopes. The altitude of is 650-750 meters. <br />This vineyard is the largest surface of the Bierzo that has pre-phylloxera vines. <br />The soil of the land is limestone formed by a sub-layer rich in minerals. <br />The production is manually. Traditionally, Leiros were harvested only by family members. Today, the tradition is still maintained. <br />This wine ages for 20 months in French oak barrels.</p>
<p>Wine Tasting Notes RED WINE Viñademoya Leiros: <br />Smell: Aromas of black fruits, sweets, mineral hints of slate and roasted vanilla and chocolate. <br />Taste: Full-bodied, round and excelent balance.</p> Category/Default Category/Wines/Default Category/Wines/Red wine/Default Category/Wines/DO. Bierzo/Default Category/Wines/Mencía2015-08-23T23:36:28+0000
Granate muy intenso con capa alta, denso, ribete rojo cardenal, lagrima abundante.
Aromas de frutillos negros, destellos minerales que recuerdan a pizarra y esencia de madera como vainilla y chocolate.
Es un vino pleno y estructurado, espléndido volumen y equilibrio.