The Red Sierra Cantabria Reserva single 2013 is a wine made with Tempranillo and Graciano grapes. This is a very romantic wine, with ripe fruit and very good structure and acidity ideal and pure character.
Who made this splendid wine is located in San Vicente de la Sonsierra Winery Sierra Cantabria , is a village that comes from many years with a winemaking tradition in the heart of la Rioja.
The soil where it is grown has an organic Subscriber; cultivation of agriculture is intrefrada and respectful environment, and is in harmony with nature; the traditional 100% Destemming development takes place. Aging is 24 months in French and American oak Bordeaux barrels; new and barrel.
97% Tempranillo
3% Graciano
It is recommended to consume this wine at a temperature of 16 - 18ºc.
If you have any questions when you buy Red Sierra Cantabria Reserva single 2013, contact with our sommelier and he will advise you without obligation.
La información sobre composición de los productos (ingredientes) así como la información nutricional de los mismos que aparece en esta web puede ser modificada por los fabricantes, por lo que no se hace responsable de las diferencias que puedan producirse respecto de la información que figure físicamente declarada en el propio producto.
Por tanto, recomendamos a nuestros clientes que siempre lean detenidamente las etiquetas, advertencias e instrucciones del embalaje del producto antes de utilizarlo o consumirlo, ya que se podrá encontrar información más detallada y actualizada sobre el mismo. Wine Sierra Cantabria Reserva Única 2013<p>The <strong>Red Sierra Cantabria Reserva single 2013</strong> is a wine made with Tempranillo and Graciano grapes. This is a very romantic wine, with ripe fruit and very good structure and acidity ideal and pure character.</p>
<p>Who made this splendid wine is located in San Vicente de la Sonsierra <strong>Winery Sierra Cantabria</strong> , is a village that comes from many years with a winemaking tradition in the heart of la Rioja.</p>
<p>The soil where it is grown has an organic Subscriber; cultivation of agriculture is intrefrada and respectful environment, and is in harmony with nature; the traditional 100% Destemming development takes place. Aging is 24 months in French and American oak Bordeaux barrels; new and barrel.</p>
<p><strong>97% Tempranillo</strong></p>
<p><strong>3% Graciano</strong></p>
<p>It is recommended to consume this wine at a temperature of 16 - 18ºc.</p>
<p>If you have any questions when you buy<strong> Red Sierra Cantabria Reserva single 2013</strong>, contact with our sommelier and he will advise you without obligation.</p> Category/Default Category/Vini/Default Category/Vini/Vino rosso/Default Category/Vini/FARE. AC. Rioja/Default Category/Vini/Tempranillo/Default Category/Vini/Graciano2018-02-14T13:39:56+0000
Posee un color rojo rubí brillante.
Aromas expresivos de grosella roja, cereza y regaliz.
Jugoso en el paladar, con notas de fruta roja entremezcladas con vainilla tostada. Tiene acidez penetrante prolonga el postgusto especiado, dominado por notas florales.
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Viñedos y Bodegas Sierra Cantabria: Cinco generaciones de tradición vitivinícola
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