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Wine red Señorío de Lazán breeding
This Red wine Señorío de Lazán Crianza belongs to Pyrenees wineries and vineyards and has a denominación de Origen Somontano.
It is composed of Tempranillo, Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlotgrapes.
The more traditional combination of the Somontano crianza: Cabernet Sauvignon, Tempranillo and Merlot. Interpretation of a breeding modern, fresh, delicious fruit and wood, filled with softness and sweetness a mouth full of nuances. Inspired by the first reserves of the Somontano.
It comes from the most original vineyards of the local cooperative. Vineyards located between the towns of Salas Altas and Salas Bajas altoaragonesas.
It has an alcohol content of 13.5%.
Best served at a temperature of 18° C.
If you have any questions when you buy red wine Señorío de Lazán Crianza contact with sommelier from our online wine shop and it will advise you without obligation.
Premios Mezquita 2014: Premio Gran Mezquita de Oro // Premios Mezquita 2014: Premio Especial Ayuntamiento Córdoba // Berliner Wine Trophy 2014: Medalla de Oro.
Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot Tempranillo
Type of ageing / Months in barrels
Crianza 12 Months
D.O. Somontano
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<p>This <strong>Red wine Señorío de Lazán Crianza</strong> belongs to Pyrenees wineries and vineyards and has a denominación de Origen <span>Somontano</span>.</p>
<p>It is composed of <span>Tempranillo, Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot</span>grapes.</p>
<div class="p-details-info" itemprop="description">The more traditional combination of the Somontano crianza: Cabernet Sauvignon, Tempranillo and Merlot. Interpretation of a breeding modern, fresh, delicious fruit and wood, filled with softness and sweetness a mouth full of nuances. Inspired by the first reserves of the Somontano.</div>
<div class="p-details-info" itemprop="description"></div>
<div class="hide-for-small">
<div class="p-details-info" itemprop="description">It comes from the most original vineyards of the local cooperative. Vineyards located between the towns of Salas Altas and Salas Bajas altoaragonesas.</div>
<p>It has an alcohol content of 13.5%.</p>
<p>Best served at a temperature of <span>18</span>° C.</p>
<p>If you have any questions when you <strong>buy red wine Señorío de Lazán Crianza</strong> contact with sommelier from our online wine shop and it will advise you without obligation.</p> Category/Default Category/Vino Tinto/Default Category/D.O. Somontano/Default Category/Vinos Para Halloween - 15%2018-02-16T17:57:32+0000
Nuestros vinos inimitables nacen de esta tierra única y maduran en el microclima del Somontano hasta convertirse en vinos sólidos, originales y personales, fruto del perfecto equilibrio entre las variedades foráneas de uva y las variedades autóctonas, de gran valor enológico
Fundadora del origen Somontano, Pirineos cuenta con el apoyo de más de 200 viticultores de la Cooperativa Comarcal. Un histórico viñedo de secano adaptado al medio rural. Respeto por el pasado. Tradición. Apuesta por el futuro. Innovación. Variedades foráneas conviviendo con variedades autóctonas de gran valor enológico. Mestizaje. Así consigue Pirineos vinos inimitables. Vinos sólidos, originales y personales. Vinos que triunfan en todo el mundo. Puro Somontano.