Varieties of grapes: fine red age of the vineyards: 40 years Player of the grape: vineyards: 40 years in the vineyard of the vineyard: Payment of Health Source (Peñafiel) Soil: Calcáreo-archarous average performance: 2500 kg/hectarevinification.
Harvest: Handmake made by hand, passed by the selection table Maceration / fermentation: & bull, pre-fertive maceration: no & bull, alcoholic fermentation: 28o C&Bull, post-fertive maceration: 17 days & bull, malactic fermentation: controlled temperature in Cuba during 22 days & bull, parent
Other features: Alcoholic degree: 14 % vol.
If you have any questions when buying red wine of Peñafiel on your online store sales and alcoholic beverages, contact our sommelier.
La información sobre composición de los productos (ingredientes) así como la información nutricional de los mismos que aparece en esta web puede ser modificada por los fabricantes, por lo que no se hace responsable de las diferencias que puedan producirse respecto de la información que figure físicamente declarada en el propio producto.
Por tanto, recomendamos a nuestros clientes que siempre lean detenidamente las etiquetas, advertencias e instrucciones del embalaje del producto antes de utilizarlo o consumirlo, ya que se podrá encontrar información más detallada y actualizada sobre el mismo. Wine Pay Payment Passage<p>Red Peñafiel Passage payments</p>
<p>Varieties of grapes: fine red age of the vineyards: 40 years Player of the grape: vineyards: 40 years in the vineyard of the vineyard: Payment of Health Source (Peñafiel) Soil: Calcáreo-archarous average performance: 2500 kg/hectarevinification.</p>
<p>Harvest: Handmake made by hand, passed by the selection table Maceration / fermentation: & bull, pre-fertive maceration: no & bull, alcoholic fermentation: 28o C&Bull, post-fertive maceration: 17 days & bull, malactic fermentation: controlled temperature in Cuba during 22 days & bull, parent</p>
<p>Other features: Alcoholic degree: 14 % vol.</p>
<p>If you have any questions when buying red wine of Peñafiel on your online store sales and alcoholic beverages, contact our sommelier.</p> Category/Default Category/Wines/Default Category/Wines/Red wine/Default Category/Wines/DO. Ribera del Duero/Default Category/Wines/Fine red2015-08-23T22:57:17+0000