Thanks to the Strawberry puree (Strawberry) MONIN, it is easy to add the flavor and texture of strawberries to your drinks.
The strawberry puree (Strawberry) MONIN, a highly concentrated fruit purée, pre-sweetened and made with fruit and natural flavors of premium quality for optimal taste and texture in drinks is gourmet. Does not require refrigeration.
At least since the second century b.c. the people enjoy strawberries. The Romans considered the strawberry as a symbol of Venus, Goddess of love, by its heart and its red color. Strawberries are universally recognized for their taste.
Appearance: Dark red
Bouquet: Aroma and taste of sweet strawberries
Mouth: Texture thickened with Strawberry seeds
Applications: Ice cream teas and frozen; lemonades; smoothies; soft drinks; cocktails with and without alcohol; desserts
Format: Plastic 1 liter (33.8 FL. oz.)
If you have any questions when buying Puree Strawberry Monin, contact with the Sommelier in our online wine store and you will advise you without obligation.
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Por tanto, recomendamos a nuestros clientes que siempre lean detenidamente las etiquetas, advertencias e instrucciones del embalaje del producto antes de utilizarlo o consumirlo, ya que se podrá encontrar información más detallada y actualizada sobre el mismo. Fresa Monin<p><strong>Puree Strawberry Monin</strong></p>
<p>Thanks to the<strong> Strawberry puree</strong> (Strawberry) MONIN, it is easy to add the flavor and texture of strawberries to your drinks.</p>
<p>The strawberry puree (Strawberry) MONIN, a highly concentrated fruit purée, pre-sweetened and made with fruit and natural flavors of premium quality for optimal taste and texture in drinks is gourmet. Does not require refrigeration.</p>
<p>At least since the second century b.c. the people enjoy strawberries. The Romans considered the strawberry as a symbol of Venus, Goddess of love, by its heart and its red color. Strawberries are universally recognized for their taste.</p>
<p>Appearance: Dark red</p>
<p>Bouquet: Aroma and taste of sweet strawberries</p>
<p>Mouth: Texture thickened with Strawberry seeds</p>
<p>Applications: Ice cream teas and frozen; lemonades; smoothies; soft drinks; cocktails with and without alcohol; desserts</p>
<p>Format: Plastic 1 liter (33.8 FL. oz.)</p>
<p>If you have any questions when buying <strong>Puree Strawberry Monin</strong>, contact with the Sommelier in our online wine store and you will advise you without obligation.</p>, soft drinks and tonic2017-06-27T11:02:22+0000
El puré de fresa Monin presenta un color rojo oscuro, que refleja la intensidad y frescura de las fresas, invitando a disfrutar de su sabor.
Su aroma y sabor son inconfundiblemente a fresas dulces, lo que evoca la sensación de estar en un campo de fresas maduras bajo el sol.
La textura del puré es espesa y contiene las semillas de las fresas, lo que agrega una dimensión auténtica a cada sorbo. Cada cucharada o trago te transporta al delicioso sabor de las fresas frescas y maduras.