Whisky Johnnie Walker Gold Label Reserve is a mixture of celebration, a personal creation of the Master Blender Jim Beveridge for special nights with very special friends. The mixture contains the Clynelish Single Malt, whose distillery using water of the hills where gold deposits were discovered. Johnnie Walker Gold Label Reserve is so luxurious and exclusive as its name suggests.
Whisky Johnnie Walker Gold Label Reserve It has received several major awards, including four Le Monde Selection Grand Golds and four Double Golds in the San Francisco World Spirits Competition.
The Whisky Johnnie Walker Gold Label was mixed to celebrate the first 100 years of Johnnie Walker in 1920 and was relaunched in 2012. It has a distinctive character brought by mixture with Clynelis whisky.
TASTING NOTES: View: view of presentslight amber in color. Nose: Nose is very sweet and fruity with honey, Apricot and raisin. These fruity notes are very intense and jump Cup. Mouth: It is well balanced, with notes of sweet fruits and a creamy texture reminiscent of honey, as well as a long finish wood with the light touch smoke characteristic of the East coast of Scotland.
If you have any questions about purchasing Whisky Johnnie Walker Gold Label Reserve, contact with the Sommelier in our online wine store and you will advise you without obligation.
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https://vinopremier.com/en/johnnie-walker-gold-label-reserve.html4266Johnnie Walker Gold Label Reserve<p><strong>Whisky Johnnie Walker Gold Label Reserve</strong></p>
<p><strong>Whisky Johnnie Walker Gold Label Reserve</strong> is a mixture of celebration, a personal creation of the Master Blender Jim Beveridge for special nights with very special friends. The mixture contains the Clynelish Single Malt, whose distillery using water of the hills where gold deposits were discovered. Johnnie Walker Gold Label Reserve is so luxurious and exclusive as its name suggests.</p>
<p><strong>Whisky Johnnie Walker Gold Label Reserve</strong> It has received several major awards, including four Le Monde Selection Grand Golds and four Double Golds in the San Francisco World Spirits Competition.</p>
<p class="emotional">The <strong>Whisky Johnnie Walker Gold Label</strong> was mixed to celebrate the first 100 years of Johnnie Walker in 1920 and was relaunched in 2012. It has a distinctive character brought by mixture with Clynelis whisky.</p>
<p itemprop="description">TASTING NOTES:<br>View: view of presents<strong> </strong>light amber in color.<br>Nose: Nose is very sweet and fruity with honey, Apricot and raisin. These fruity notes are very intense and jump Cup.<br>Mouth: It is well balanced, with notes of sweet fruits and a creamy texture reminiscent of honey, as well as a long finish wood with the light touch smoke characteristic of the East coast of Scotland.</p>
<p itemprop="description">If you have any questions about purchasing <strong>Whisky Johnnie Walker Gold Label Reserve</strong>, contact with the Sommelier in our online wine store and you will advise you without obligation.<br><br></p>https://vinopremier.com/media/catalog/product/1/5/1544784122.jpeg51.95outofstock51.9542.93388329752100000https://vinopremier.com/media/catalog/product/1/5/1544784122.jpeg/Default Category/Default Category/Destilliert/Default Category/Destilliert/Whiskys y Bourbons2016-02-11T17:45:53+0000
En vista de presenta de color ámbar ligero.
En nariz se presenta muy dulce y con sabor a fruta con miel, albaricoque y uva pasa. Estas notas frutales son muy intensas y saltan de la copa.
Está muy equilibrado, con notas de frutas dulces y una cremosidad que recuerda a la miel, así como un final prolongado a madera con el ligero toque ahumado característico de la costa este de Escocia.