Berberechos Premium Espinaler 30-40 Piezas


Cockles Premium Espinaler is a bivalve mollusc of thick shell that inhabits beaches and bays, since it can withstand drops of up to 5% salinity. Feeds on species living constantly straining. Their areas of distribution are Atlantic, Mediterranean, Black Sea, Caspian and northwest coast of Africa. However fresh cockles which more abounds is Galician, being in addition to a high quality. Removed easily on foot, both afloat with run craft.

The mollusk shell has three apertures (inhalant, exhalante, and pedal) for sifonear water and foot. The cockles are buried in the substrate near the surface of the water, using the foot, and feed of pumping water and filtering plankton. They are also capable of 'jumping' by push of your foot.

You have the shell oval, curved, heart-shaped when closed. The surface is crossed between 22 and 28 marked as a roof and brown white rays. The White interior with brown spots.

If you have any questions about Purchasing Cockles Premium Espinaler contacting with the Sommelier in our online wine store and you will advise you without obligation.

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KNOW Espinaler


Espinaler: Tradición Familiar. donde ofrecé la "gota" de vino y la "mezcla" a los aldeanos