Cerveza Artesana Black Block


In Stock. If you buy today the estimated delivery date is the Monday 5 August 2024

Beer hand crafted Black Block

Style: Russian Imperial Stout

OG: 1,114

Alcohol: 11.2% ABV

Bitterness: 72 IBU

Black block of Cerveses the pirate craft beer is a beer style Russian Imperial Stout. It is a powerful beer, with much presence and which highlights a foam Crown of fine bubbles.

Highlights the aromas of coffee and chocolate and liqueur. It is a dense beer.

A stout for good lovers of the stout. It is the Pearl of the pirate, an incendiary beer to warm the heart and soul from which it takes it.

If you have any doubts at the time of buy beer hand crafted Black Block, please contact with the sommelier from our online wine shop and will advise you without obligation.

% VOL.
Botella 33cl
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Chocolates and cocoa desserts

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