Bitter Angostura Aromatic Orange


In Stock. If you buy today the estimated delivery date is the Monday 10 June 2024

Angostura Aromatic Orange for Gin and Tonic Cocktail.

100ml bottle. Alcohol 28% vol.

Angostura is a world-renowned brand for its aromatic bitters, has used his experience and know-how to produce this bitter orange and herbal spices.

The mixture of oil of citrus oil crust narajas two varieties, bitter oranges and sweet oranges Caribbean sun ripened and 180 years of experience result Angostura bitters this excellent orange that adds a special touch and different with your cocktails, gin and tonics and martinis.

New angostura model based on the essence of the orange peel. one basis and oily citrus flavored cocktail or drink magnificently any in his previous production or the final touch.

Very versatile for preparing excellent gin gin & tonics with dry and aged rums. EXCELLENT for bases bitter. Cinzano, Campari ... etc.

If you have questions when buying Angostura Aromatic Bitter Orange, please contact the manager of our cocktail section of our online store drinks and advise you without obligation.

Mini-Botella 0.187L
Trinidad & Tobago
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KNOW Angostura