Peach Brandy Liquor


The Barbadilla winery presents us with the Peach Brandy Liquor originating from Spain.

Peach Brandy Liquor is a delicious and aromatic drink that perfectly combines the smoothness of brandy with the sweet and juicy flavor of peach. This exquisite blend is ideal for those who love liqueurs with fruity flavors and a unique sensory experience.

Peach Brandy Liquor is carefully crafted using high-quality brandy, distilled from select grapes and aged in oak barrels to obtain its distinctive flavor and character. Subsequently, a careful selection of fresh and ripe peaches is added, which are macerated in the brandy to extract all their flavor and aroma.

This liquor is perfect to enjoy alone, at room temperature or slightly refrigerated, so that the flavors unfold fully in each sip. It can also be used as an ingredient in cocktails and mixed drinks, providing its sweetness and fruity flavor to the most innovative creations.

Peach Brandy Liquor is ideal for any occasion, whether it is to enjoy after a special dinner, share moments with friends or give as a gift to someone special. Its elegance and exquisite flavor make it an appreciated gift and a versatile option to enjoy at different times and celebrations.

Peach Brandy Liquor with peach is a real delight for lovers of fruity flavors and quality liqueurs. Its balanced combination of brandy and peach offers a unique experience in every sip. Discover the charm of this liqueur and let yourself be carried away by its enveloping sweetness and softness.

If you have any questions when purchasing Peach Brandy Liquor, contact the sommelier of our online store and he will advise you without obligation.

% VOL.
50cl. Bottle
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Color caoba intenso con reflejos dorados.
Fragante con aroma a melocotón y cítricos.
Amplio y muy dulce.

KNOW Barbadillo

Barbadillo: "El vino encierra el alma de la tierra que lo ha visto nacer. Su clima, su gastronomía, su historia, su cultura... todas las cualidades que definen su personalidad y lo hacen único.


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Graduación 30
Vegan No
Format 50cl. Bottle